Ismayilov Elkhan

Elkhan Ismayilov son of Ismayil was born on July 24, 1974, in the Tovuz region. In 1993, he entered the Faculty of "Drama Theater and Film Actor" at Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts. He successfully graduated from the faculty with a distinction diploma in 1997.
In 1994, Elkhan started as part of the ballet troupe at the Azerbaijan State Musical Comedy Theater. He worked as a ballet artist from 1994 to 1999, participating in various productions such " Memorial prayer ", "Filumeno Marturano", "Gypsy premier", "Family weekend", "Hijran", " Everyone's own star ", "Rose", "Two old witches", "Singing heart", "Silva", He participated in the performances "If not that one then this one", "Goodbye", "Gold wedding", "Diffrent night", "It’s not possible to live without woman in the world".
In 1997, Elkhan Ismayilov became a member of the actor's troupe. Throughout his tenure at the theater, he played significant roles in productions such as in the play, chief astrologer, S. Alasgarov, I. Malikzade Nazir in "Everyone's own star", E. Sabitoglu, X. Hasilova in "Singer heart" Mustafa, J. Guliyev, G. Rasulov in "Love game" chef, S. Farajov, A. Amirli is a waiter in "Love on the Stage", R. Hajiyev is a house manager in " When fates come together ", O. Rajabov, A. Babayev is a doctor in "Hand in pocket", R. Mustafayev, J. Mammadov is a poet in "Masma is my uncle". O. Rajabov, A. Babayev in "The Jubilee of Devil " Meykhanachi, S. Alasgarov, Nazir in Malikzade's "Everybody's own star". Kalman is the Emperor in "Gypsy Premier", F. Legar is Viscount Cascade in "Happy Widow", R. Shafaq, A. Shaiq is Malik Ibn Said in "One Hour of Caliphate", I. Notasis in Kalman "Silva", U. Hajibeyli is Vali in "Arshin mal alan", Shafi in "Husband and wife", N.V. Gogol Yaichnitsa in "Marriage", etc. Elkhan Ismayilov showcased his amazing acting skills in various plays, including comedies, dramas, and musicals, portraying characters with distinct personalities and contributing to the success of numerous theatrical productions.