The Musical Theater concluded "Heydar Aliyev Year" with a performance dedicated to the Great leader

On December 30th, the final performance  for adults took place at the Azerbaijan State Academic Musical Theater.

 The musical-historical essay “You are such a summit!” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the great leader Heydar Aliyev was warmly applauded, featuring the theater’s soloist as well as the members of the choir and ballet ensemble.

We would love to mention that, initially presented on the stage of the Musical Theater on the National Leader’s birthday, later successfully toured in Ganja, Sheki, Mingechevir and Lenkaran. The theater ensemble plans to perform this show in other regions of the country and beyond its borders next year.

 The artistic director of the performance is honored artist and philosophy doctor Aligismat Lalayev, the script author is the honored artist Mubariz Hamidov,the founding director is the chef director of the theater Javid Imamverdiev, the founding conductor is the honored artist Fakhraddin Atayev, the choir master is the honored artist Vaqif Mastanov, and the ballet master is the honored artist Emin Aliyev.

Date: 30.12.2023